Medi-Cal Planning
When one can no longer care for himself or herself, the burden often falls on the spouse or remaining family members to find and fund care. Many cannot avoid long-term convalescent care. If no plan exists, it can be overwhelming to pay for care needs without draining existing assets.
We have helped countless families in these situations: finding avenues to preserve assets, exploring options to avoid Medi-Cal, or if unavoidable, exploring options which accelerate eligibility for Medi-Cal to care for a loved one. We will outline a plan that prepares for future care, or if no planning is in place, we will develop a crisis plan to ensure care is continued for a loved one.
Case Study
Judy and Bill were married for 50 years. After years of health issues, Bill entered convalescent care, leaving Judy to care for their home and assets. She was told (incorrectly) she would need to liquidate everything down to $2,000 in order to pay for Bill’s care. She turned to us to preserve her assets and protect her home. Through court intervention, we were able to set aside her home and assets, while funding her husband’s care through Medi-Cal. In this way, Judy was provided for and could remain at home in later life.